Your request

If you are interested in requesting a Senior Expert, please fill in this form to send us your request. We ask you to fill in some information on your organisation/your business. The more accurate you fill in the form, the more content you will be with the Senior Expert proposed by us.

    1. Information on your organisation/business

    Contact person for Jugend Eine Welt

    Do you have any previous experience in working together with other international organisations?

    Are you a member of a national or international network?

    Do you have experience in working with volunteers/senior experts?

    Please upload documents of your organization here, e.g. annual report, articels of association, references of other partner organizations.

    2. Description of the tasks for the Senior Experts

    3. General conditions

    4. How did you find out about the Senior Experts Austria of Jugend Eine Welt?

    Personal contactsMedia

    5. Is there any further information you want to share with us?

    6. Explanation*

    Yes, I hereby agree with storage of the information provided by me to Jugend Eine Welt, and with the fact that I am going to be registered as organisation/business.
    Information regarding Jugend Eine Welt will be sent to my e-mail address.
    I acknowledge that due to my registration I am not obliged to accomodate a Senior Expert and that I cannot demand to be assigned a Senior Expert.

    Senior Experts Austria
    Münichreiterstraße 31
    1130 Vienna
    Tel.: +43 1 879 07 07-37